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2023 Appeal and Protest Procedures





Penticton Speedway Protest 2023 Procedure

Protest and Teardown Fees and Procedures

• PS Officials can choose not to allow a protest.

• PS Officials can examine and take apart parts (such as engines) that are suspected of being illegal based on the level of competition or reasonable observations made by the Track Representatives.

• PS may seal a suspected engine for teardown at a later date. If the engine is found to be illegal at that time, the competitor will lose points and prize money for all events from the time it was sealed.

To file a protest, write a letter to the Track Representative and pay the fees in cash. See the protest form at the end of the section. It is suggested to allow the Protestor and/or PS Representative to take apart the protested items.

Penticton Speedway has the following penalties for refusing a protest:

  • The first time you refuse a protest, you lose all points and money for that event.

  • The second time you refuse a protest, you lose all points and money for that event and will have to pay a $250 fine.

  • The third time you refuse a protest, you lose all points and money for that event and all points for the season, plus pay a $500 fine.

*If you refuse a Protest Inspection, your car will be considered illegal, and you will have to pay the full monetary penalty for breaking the rules. You must pay all fines before you can participate in any future race event at Penticton Speedway.

Protest Fees will be divided as follows:

1. First, all necessary expenses will be paid from the Fee.
2. Second, regardless of legality, 25% of the remaining Fee Money after expenses will go to PS.
3. Last, the remaining Fee Money will be divided as follows:

       a. If the protested car is legal, the remaining fee goes to the protested driver.
       b. If the protested car is illegal, the remaining fee goes to the driver who filed the protest.

Protest Categories and Fees:

CATEGORY:                                 FEE:
□ BUILT ENGINE                       $1,500

□ CRATE MOTOR                      $750
□ CHASSIS                                  $500

□ TRANSMISSION                    $500
□ CLUTCH                                   $500
□ REAR END                              $300

□ EXHAUST                               $200
□ SCORING PROTEST (1 HOUR TIME LIMIT)             $100
□ OTHER: ____________________________________________ @ PS DISCRETION 

If a driver is caught breaking the rules, they may be fined, lose all points, and forfeit their prize money for that event.


The protest fee will be returned to the protester. The illegal vehicle may face additional fines that must be paid directly to PS before the driver can compete in any PS event.

After the Main Event, any driver or car owner whose vehicle finished may request a teardown. This request must be made within 20 minutes of the finish time and submitted in writing to the Race Director. The disassembly can be done right away or at a designated location and time that is agreed upon by the vehicle owner, protester, PS Race Director, and Tech Director. If the driver or vehicle owner refuses to comply with the teardown, they will be disqualified and subject to the penalties listed above.

The PS Race Director and Tech Director will decide if an issue is worthy of a protest. If so, they will make a decision as soon as possible and inform all parties involved. If the issue is deemed illegal, the protested driver may face fines and/or loss of points. If the issue is not deemed protestable, the protester will not have to pay any associated fee.

  • Any illegal parts found will become the property of Penticton Speedway and will not be returned for any reason. 

  • If a vehicle is disqualified three times in a season, the driver will lose all accumulated Championship points awarded.

For Hornet, Legend, SS, and LM, a $100 “Scoring Protest” fee is required to have scorers recheck any Main Event. The fee will go directly to PS unless a scoring error is discovered. No protests will be accepted regarding PS Officials’ calls. Race-related calls are made by on-track officials, flagmen, and pit-side officials only.

Anyone who confronts a PS Official about a race-related call may be fined, disqualified, or both.

After the Main Event, any driver or car/truck owner whose vehicle competed may file a written protest within 20 minutes of the race results being posted. 

The protesting car must be within 5 positions of the car being protested, except on the last night of the season.

Appeal Procedure

This section (Appeals) applies only to decisions made by PS Track or Tech Officials (including penalties and/or disqualifications) but does NOT apply to a scoring matter (which must be handled the night of the race) or a protest that concerns another driver or team (see Protest section, above). If you disagree with a decision made by PS officials, you may submit a written appeal form to a Track Official or to the Speedway Main Office by 5pm on the Monday immediately following the event. Any appeal form received after the 5pm deadline will not be considered.



  • There is no charge to file this Appeal, but PS management reserves the right to refuse to consider any Appeal which does not meet basic minimum standards. If your appeal is accepted, you are responsible for any Fees and Costs incurred as a result of the appeal.


  •  A properly submitted Protest Form shall be reviewed by at least three (3) members of the current year’s Rules Committee within 48 hours of the submission. The decision of the Committee will be posted publicly on PS Social Media (Facebook, PS App) and in the PS Tech News within 24 hours of the decision. The person filing the appeal shall be notified by phone before the public announcement of the decision.

NOTE: If you file an Official Appeal, do not plead your case on Social Media (Facebook, etc.) or dispute Official Decisions outside of the Appeals Process. Doing so will void your right to Appeal.

Click the button at the top of the page to view and download the 2023 Protest Forms and Appeal forms.


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